The Secret Pedal Project (Ongoing Research)

A simple, Arduino based suboctave circuit. I may be giving away the keys to the citadel here, but... Nah, nobody reads this blog. Seriously, NOBODY reads it, right. Besides, once it's done, my plan is to open source this idea under my usual "modified MIT-for-noncommercial-use-commercial-use-requires-negotiation-of-a-paid-licence" licence, so here goes... My buddy and former guitarist bandmate, Wayne and I have this idea. Recently, I found a reverse engineered circuit diagram of a similar, all analog(ish), defunct pedal from the 80s, so I've reverse engineered that a little here, but in my own way.But wait, there's more, and those bits, I'm not giving away. In esscence, we're trying to make a special kind of octave box. This is a proof of the octave methods of that concept. There's nothing new here, nothing to see that hasn't been done before using similar tools, nor is it slavish copy of any of that prior art. But it does open up a number of ...