Playing Trains - Don't Get a Resin Printer to Build Custom Parts!
Replaced my old delta FDM printer with a resin printer, on the strength of web articles claiming water washable is "low oder." The FUCK it is!!! Of course, once I'd bought the damned thing, my searches for "resin toxicity" yielded fruit. Not before, though! I searched for "resin toxicity" before I bought, but Google gave me no articles, so I boaught a Geeetech ALKAID on the strength of Jaycar also saying their eSun water washable resin was "low odour" and implied "low toxicity." My professionally printed rail motor bodies sitting on a preliminary simple raill yard layout. So, here are some facts about any photoset hobby or engineering resin. The chemistry off-gasses some foul and overpowering odours. The toxicity is respiratory and eye irritants. Prolonged exposure, even wearing an activated charcoal mask, WILL cause injury/illness. On the strength of getting the bodies of two Tasmanian Government Railways DP Class rail motors...