Ciao To

I've now completed migrating my Clunkerbike posts over from and will now let that blog fade. My bicycle stuff is very design and mullet hack oriented, so I'll still be posting bike and trike things here, now.

While I wait for the weather to improve, so that I can get outside and practice a bit of welding for the trike project, I've been working like I'm full-time on all sorts of designs, as well as the usual music and artsy-fartsy projects. (A wooden trike may be built in the not too distant future, as a test for a CNC router I'm planning to build.) This site is probably more intriguing than Clunkerbike - unless you're a bicycle purist to the level of ignoring all other facets of life.

So the original Clunkerbike is now an archive. No new content will be added here, the domain will lapse, but the posts will remain up on but nothing new will be found there. From now on, if you want to keep reading my stuff, I'm here -> That's...



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