Some might argue, "Too many!" As individuals, we are the sum of our ideas, that equation for me results in "technological Trotskyite with a twist." Endless revolution is consensus anarchy in loose collectives, for example the best of the best of free, free, open-source software. Such a group works tirelessly to create an app for community benefit, rewarding significant contributors with "commit privileges" on the version manager where the project is maintained, the collective of contributors having voting rights on who is doing well as a maintainer. The titles are not very anarchistic, but they actually don't have to have any meaning other than the role a person chooses to take on the project. If a fee is charged for the app, the maintainers and regular contributors, get an equal share of the profits. I just recently established a project like this, no bites yet, I've barely the skill to flesh out "HelloWorld.cpp" yet, but I'm offerin...